Sunday 11 November 2012

New Website

New website of Most Haunted 2 . Click on the Word
Most Haunted 2  The will have photos  and More

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Castle keep

The castle stands on a steep sided promontory overlooking the River Tyne. The site has been occupied for almost 2000 years .A Roman fort, Pons Aelius, stood there, guarding the river crossing below From the middle of the 2nd century until the beginning of the 5th century. From the 8th century the site was used as a Christian cemetery. The first castle built there was the New Castle upon Tyne which was founded in 1080 by Robert Curthose who was the eldest son of William the Conqueror. It was rebuilt in stone during the reign of Henry II between 1168 and 1178. During the 13th century the additions were made to the castle, particularly during the reign of King John (1207-1216). A barbican, now known as the Black Gate was added to the north gate in the reign of Henry III between 1247 and 1250. The town was finished in the mid 14th century and the castle was then isolated within the new defenses it then became militarily redundant. The castle was leased by James I to one of his courtiers in 1618, Alexander Stephenson he allowed houses to be built within the castle walls. Briefly the castle was refortified at the time of the civil war, and in 1644 was the last stronghold of the Royalist defenders during the siege. From the 19th century and continuing to the present day the remaining castle walls and buildings have been under restoration.
Reported Paranormal Activity
Lots of phenomena has been reported at the castle including the ghost of a man in the Museum Room and a women in the Queens Chamber, also footsteps, the sound of dragging metal and banging on the door have all been heard. And strange lights have been known to follow people around.